In search of paths
Time for permits has come. The first one has already gone away, one of the most difficult. Delicate operation indeed eighteen delicate operations plus two police stations. I have already made the contacts to define the sponsors ... everything must be in order for the # DusterAdventure # EpisodioZero And soon the links for registration! Stay with DusterAdventureEpisodioZero in Asti on 5 ...
The paths are being defined! And this is the roadbook that will accompany you along the two days of #DusterAdventure Episode # Zero Offroad. Have you ever used a roadbook? You will come out of these two days of healthy adventure almost like sailing professionals, thanks also to the tutorials you will follow before departure! We are waiting for you! Stay with us! # DusterAdventureEpisodio # Zero
We are working tirelessly, times are tight for Episode Zero. No one excluded starting from ErreBi which provides means and communication to Umberto who creates images like this to make you understand what you will experience at the Duster Adventure on 5 and 6 June 2021. Yes, that car is a Dacia Duster 4wd and if it ...